Saturday 28 April 2012

Pink addiction.

 Yay yay yay yay yay! *happy dance* Ok, composure now....

I've been wanting this shade for a while, but my local boots and super drug havnt had it in...until, I went in this morning. and there it was, calling my name! I swear! ;)

It's "Stormy Pink" (Matte 011) by Revlon. From their 'Super Lustrous' lipstick range. I've heard that this pink was a dupe of the elusive, 'Pink Friday' by MAC. That was probably one of the reasons I needed this lipstick! (Sigh, I still want Pink friday though)...

Stormy Pink, is a gorgeous, in your face, matte pink...with blue undertones. It might bot be everyones cup of tea, but I love it!

''Stormy Pink" matte, 011. By Revlon. 


I have to confess, I'm addicted to pink lipsticks...and it's not even my favourite colour! hahaha. I love doing a dark, smokey eye, and then putting on some baby pink or a bold pink lipstick. The contrast really stands out! I let my lipstick do the talking ;) 

Are you addicted to pink lipsticks? Which shades do you love the most? :) 

Laura xoxoxoxo 

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